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Breaking Out of a Job Search Groundhog Day?


February 2nd has come and gone. I mean, Groundhog Day is still just once a year, right? In the 1993 classic, Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s character is forced to relive the same day over and over again.

Does your job search feel the same way? You have a list of jobs to apply for and have contacts to network with. It feels like you have experienced the same day before over and over again. The job search can feel like a never-ending Groundhog Day, but the repetition can be broken out of with these strategies.

Man and groundhog in car; man smiling, groundhog appears shocked. Text: "Searching for a job the same way, every day. No results - again."

Switching Up the Order

Starting with the most simple of solutions, switching up the order of things can make all the difference. You can make a day seem different than the one before just by changing your routine. For example, if you always apply for jobs in the morning then try and do that in the afternoon and try networking in the morning. It may seem pretty basic, but sometimes a simple change in your schedule can make all the difference.

Location, Location, Location

Next up is a more complex or at the very least, a solution that has a bigger time commitment. A change in location could make your day feel very different than the one before. If your habit is to always work in the same place, then that could become monotonous very quickly. Going to a different place could help elevate the sameness and repetitiveness. If you are working from home, then try finding a local café or library to go to. Libraries are great places to work because they are free, usually have a good number of desks to work at and sometimes have other amenities like a café to grab a bite to eat or a drink. Cafés also have the added bonus of being able to get food or drinks and you can people watch when you need a break from submitting resumes or networking.

Add In More Networking


If all you’ve been doing is applying on job boards, it’s time to get more interactive. Get on LinkedIn and start messaging your contacts. Pick up the phone and get in touch with people you know. Go to a local networking opportunity. You never know what’s going to work. But by engaging with people, you may find new opportunities that were never even posted to a job board.




Bill Murray’s character in Groundhog Day eventually found his way out of the time loop through learning something new. In his case, he had to learn how to be happy. With job searching, you don’t know what will be the thing that opens a new door. But you do have to learn how to embrace trying new things. These solutions could help solve the monotony of the job search and make your days feel more exciting and different. Try them out and see what happens.




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